Flush it Friday: Blaze It


Friday afternoon is the best part of the week. It’s the longest amount of time before more work. Let’s celebrate it on this fine 4/20.

For years I have abstained from the wackiest tobaccies. But not today, friends. Today, I shall consume 1-2 micrograms of cannabis and then spend hours shrieking in existential agony. If you don’t hear from me by Monday it’s because I literally died of anxiety. DANK!

Anyway, here are the highlights from this week in Toilet.

First up, Snooty McWords dropped some fine thoughts on an ethical method for determining what you’re willing to consume artistically.

Separation Anxiety: The Difficult Labor of Art and Artist

The Toilet’s own rubber-suit monster enthusiast Dubya has some deep ass thoughts on the latest kaiju and kaiju-adjacent flicks to hit the silver screen.

Monster Movie Double Smash: Pacific Rim Uprising and Rampage

Hey, speaking of Kaiju, Jordan Farrow of Oxygen Destroyer dropped by to teach us about his favorite kaiju monsters and their influence on his music.

Hail the Kaiju with Oxygen Destroyer

365 made us watch this video of the most punchable dorks on Earth.

Dropkout Kings – Nvm: A Video Breakdown

Your podcast boys got extremely problematic in their discussion of big tiddy goth gfs.

Toilet Radio 116: Deafheavens and Goth GFs

The pope cancelled hell so I guess we’re just the Toilet ov now.

Pope Cancels Hell, Might As Well Cancel Metal While He’s At It

Finally, Justin Thunder Lager revisited some glorious metal-for-charity supergroups.


Alrighty folks, that’s it for today. Go out and partake in the stickiest of ickies, then shitpost in the comments until your fingers bleed. As always, thank you for your continued support of this web-based shitter. We’ll see you tomorrow.

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