Flush it Friday: Not now, gamin’


It’s Friday afternoon and I got a hot date with a Nintendo Switch. Let’s take a look at the week’s highlights!

First up, we all learned that Dubya can’t drive 55

The New Autokrator Album Is Too Heavy for My Morning Commute

Brendan Sloan of Convulsing dropped by to do a lil guest review of the new Graveir.

Review: Graveir Buck All Pretense On Cenotaph

McNulty slayed all sci fi posers by writing about the best movie of the year.

Gimme Something to Watch: Annihilation (2018)

This week’s podcast was all about Terrorizer and the death of print media. Also impressions of the worst YouTube people.

Toilet Radio #111: Metal will never die (but metal publications will)

Good ass writing from your old pal Lacertilian

Superstition Is Real As Shit And I’ll Tell You Why…

Vlad took up the torch of the classic bump n’ grind with his own collection of the best fast as hell releases of the year.

Quarterly Roundup: The Nasty, Brutish, and Short

I did a literal shitpost.

10 Photos of Metal Musicians on the Toilet

Matt Bacon began a new series of interviewing the people that make your music sausage.

The Folks Who Make It Happen: Steve STB of STB Records

Finally, we hacked your meta(l)data. Deal with it, metal heads.

We Recovered Some Of Your Leaked Data, Here’s What We Found…

Thanks for your continued support of this web-based poop chute. We’ll see you tomorrow.

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