Premiere: Into The Storm | Smooth Sailing Split


Can it get any better than when two band names match up perfectly for a split? This is a great combo for many reasons.

Reason #1 – As I said, those names work better together than either of them do apart. Smooth Sailing makes you think overly melodic, while Into the Storm sounds charmless. Smooth Sailing Into the Storm, however, is a pummeling, dirty band with endless finesse. Both bands have earned this description in reality.

Reason #2 – I remember loving Into the Storm’s track names when I came across their 2016 album, Where the Merfalo Roam. They are bringing it back hard with “So How to You Explain all the Dead Unicorns”, but Smooth Sailing won’t be outdone with winners like “Hey Girl Egg Roll Dave Grohl”. It was meant to be.

Reason #3 – As with most good splits, the bands are similar but distinguishable. I got what I was expecting from Into the Storm with a sort of southern/stoner/sludge combo, but these two songs may be even more aggressive than their previous release. Somehow, while getting heavier, they also sound a bit more like Mastodon, but these pummeling rhythms will keep them detached from that being too close a reference. There’s a deft hand in weaving in just enough melody to cut through the sludge, keeping your ears engaged while not deviating from the oppressive weight.

Smooth Sailing are new to me, but I could not be more pleased with this introduction. They have the southern/stoner thing going on, but with a bit less sludge. The main riff on “Ryler Tomo” is a really dank treat especially. I’m getting hints of that newest The Atlas Moth when they are at their heaviest and Baroness at their lightest. There’s a lot of range here, which is something I don’t see too often with these styles.

Reason #4 – They are both from Seattle. That’s neat.

Purchase this sucker over here on Bandcamp for just a few bucks, released this Friday.

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