Tech Death Thursday: Ara


I hope you have a backup face, ’cause you’re about to lose the current one!

I’ve got a good amount of news for you guys today so let’s get to it:

First off, Gorguts have announced they will be re-releasing Obscura and From Wisdom to Hate in April, so those of you who don’t feel like spending 100 bucks for a copy on Amazon can get yourselves one for a decent price. Pre-orders will be available starting March 9th via Century Media.

Psycroptic have released a music video for another new track off of their upcoming album. The song is called “Cold” and you can check that out here.

Irreversible Mechanism are gearing up to release one of the best tech-death albums ever via Blood Music. Pre-orders for that are now available here. Check out the single “The Betrayer of Time” here.

Archspire (I like Archspire) have released another video explaining how to weedilee with the best of them. Check that out here.

Sarpanitum have released two songs from their upcoming album “Blessed Be My Brothers” and you can stream both of those via their Bandcamp here.

Allegaeon have announced a headlining tour with The Agonist and Product of Hate called the “Get Rekt Tour”. You can check out the dates for that over at their Facebook.

That’s it for news. If I forgot to cover something be sure to let me know in the comments (Note that this does not include Bolt Thrower <3).

Today we’re talking about a band from Milwaukee, Wisconsin called Ara. So far, this is my favorite new music of 2015. They play a style of tech death that bears a lot of similarity to Artificial Brain, who won the honor of TOH’s favorite album of 2014. More specifically, if you took the somewhat muffled prouduction of Hadal Maw have, mixed it with the spastic riffs and time signatures of Gorguts, and added a bit of Artificial Brain for good measure, Ara is what you might get. Devourer of Worlds has a sort of twisted technicality that you aren’t going to find in many other bands. Yes, Gorguts and Gigan do the same kind of thing, but something about the way Ara’s music is composed makes it feel unique. If you’re looking for weedilies and deedilies you aren’t gonna find any here. Ara play straight up, in-your-face tech death that’ll run you over like stampede. The pummeling drums are sure to make your speakers quake and the swirling serpentine riffs will dazzle your eardrums time and time again. It may take a few listens for things to actually click, but once they do, I think you will find yourselves really enjoying this record. Don’t forget to follow them on Facebook and give them some money on Bandcamp.


That’s it for today. Until next time, stay tech.

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