Tech Death Thursday: Crown Magnetar


Yep, it’s deathcore time again. Crown Magnetar bring the slam jams this week on Tech Death Thursday!

Some news:

  • Final Fantasy fanatics Aerith have a new song up from their upcoming self-titled album. I don’t generally expect much from video game themed bands, but “Beyond Terminus” is pretty awesome. Check the full thing out when it releases tomorrow.
  • Alterbeast has a new song up as well. This right here is the good shit; it’s different from the debut, yes, but it’s still pretty damn solid. I do still think the vocalist’s high screams are a bit thin, but that’s easy to get past when the rest of it is as good as it is. Feast is out on February 23rd via Unique Leader.

You’d best leave your intelligence and sense of tastefulness at the door; we’re getting super meatheaded this week. Deathcore is one of the knuckle-draggingest subgenres around, and I’m not going to claim that today’s offering is an exception. That said, I wouldn’t be talking about a band on this column if I didn’t think they were worth your time. I clicked on Crown Magnetar because of their combination of name and cover art, and I’m glad I stuck around after reading the genre tag.

They say first impressions are everything, and The Prophet of Disgust does not disappoint on that front. Album opener “The Eyes of Discontent” kicks things off with some beefy technical riffing before moving to anything that sounds like a slam or a breakdown, and it works greatly in the song’s favor. It gives the music some breathing room, some exposition, momentum, whatever you want to call it, that gives your ear a chance to acclimate to the sound. Then it punches you in the dick with a beatdown riff. Pacing!

The breakdowns are actually really well done here as well. Whether they’re comprised of thick-as-molasses chugging or bouncy syncopated riffs, they serve to move the songs forward rather than bring them to a grinding halt. They usually lead into some pretty nasty technical stuff as well, “Detestable Impurity” and “Mountain of Flesh” in particular. I may have just joked about it, but it really is their sense of pacing that sets Crown Magnetar apart from a lot of their contemporaries. While there are a couple jarring moments, their songs flow, and I found myself getting into a groove with ease throughout the album’s run. Ultimately, they generally sound more like a tech/brutal death band with the occasional breakdown than a full-on deathcore unit. Think Wormed, but more degenerate.

The engineering aspects of the album don’t really break the norm for the genre, but I didn’t feel like my ears were ever going to bleed, either. It’s pleasantly thick, if nothing else. The mix is pretty solid as well, and it does a lot to highlight the vocalist’s incredible versatility. He covers the range from standard death growls to a piercing high shriek to the occasional gutturals and pig squeals, and he does it all really well.

All kidding aside, these guys are great at what they do, and are more than simply competent. Are they going to change anyone’s mind about deathcore? Probably not, but if you come into it with an open mind, there’s a lot of fun to be had with The Prophet of Disgust. You can pick up the album at Bandcamp and follow Crown Magnetar on Facebook; let them know if you like what you hear. That’s all I have for you this week, and until next time,

Stay Tech

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