Toilet Radio: Introducing The Appendix Podcast


New music. Old heads. Bad jokes. Good fun. Featuring fresh tracks from Infernal Coil, ValdrinDerkéta, Euth, and Emma Ruth Rundle.

Can’t keep up with all the amazing new metal coming out these days?

Constantly feel like you’re missing out on all the good shit?

Tired of spending all free your time trawling through the swathes of semi-satisfying songs, just to find something appealing?

Well, Leif and I are here to help. We’ve done the hard work by sorting out the shit that sticks from the shit that stinks, and condensed it all into a nice little sample package for you to take on your merry way into the weekend. We also talk a little about lazy black metal dorks, acne-faced guitar shop loiterers, dissonant grind, and Ferengii. Like your appendix, it might be a non-essential sac filled with stuff your body can’t work out, but ignore it and you might fucken die.

Music featured within:

Infernal Coil – ‘Bodies Set In Ashen Death’ from Within A World Forgotten (out 14/9/18 via Profound Lore)

Valdrin – ‘Sinews Of Blood And Vein’ from Two Carrion Talismans (releases 28/9/18 via Blood Harvest)

Derkéta – ‘Troops Of Doom’ [Sepultura cover] from In Death We Meet (remix released 1/9/18)

euth – ‘San Pedro’ from Euth (released 29/4/18)

Emma Ruth Rundle – ‘Darkhorse’ from On Dark Horses (out 14/9/18 via Sargent House)

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