Toilet Radio tag teams Liam Wilson (Dillinger Escape Plan, John Frum)


On this episode of Toilet Radio we’re talking with Dillinger Escape Plan bassist extraordinaire Liam Wilson about his new band John Frum. We’re picking Liam’s brain about the recent bus crash DEP suffered in Poland, the hazards of chaotic performances, and what he’ll miss most when Dillinger is done. Join us as we talk about musical improvisation, Burning Man, yoga, The Simpsons, and cargo cults of the South Pacific. It’s a good one, folks. 

Music featured in this program:
John Frum – “Presage of Emptiness” from A Stirring in the Noos (Facebook)(Preorder)
Weeping Sores – “The Nature of Faith” from Weeping Sores (Facebook)(Bandcamp)

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