Weekend Nachos are Calling it Quits :(


Welcome back to our regular posting schedule. First up: Some shit-ass news. Weekend Nachos, the greatest powerviolence band to ever come out of DeKalb, Illinois, is calling it quits.

Weekend Nachos announced over the, uh, weekend, that this will be their final year as an active band. It sucks, brah. I’ve been obsessively following Weekend Nachos like a total Stan dork for years. If you haven’t followed the band as closely, you’ve been missing out on one of the best (and quirkiest) bands in punk.

Weekend Nachos isn’t leaving you empty-handed; Relapse will release their final full-length Apology, sometime this year, and the band is playing a bunch of shows throughout 2016. Be sure to check them out if you don’t wanna wait til the reunion gig at Maryland Death Fest 2025.  Can’t make it? This memorial video is just for you:

The band’s statement and remaining tour dates below:

2/5 New Albany, IN midwest blood fest
2/19 Darien, IL @ q bar w/foundation
2/20 Detroit, MI @ sanctuary w/foundation
2/21 Indianapolis, IN @ savage yard w/foundation

Japan (w/ PRIMITIVE MAN, Endzweck, FIGHT IT OUT)
4/6 Yokohama
4/7 Tokyo
4/8 Osaka
4/9 Nagoya
4/10 Tokyo

SE Asia (w/ PRIMITIVE MAN, Tools OfThe Trade, Wormrot)
4/14 Manila, Philippines
4/15 Johor Bahru, Malaysia
4/16 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
4/17 Singapore, Singapore

East Coast (w/ The Afternoon Gentlemen)
5/20 New York, NY
5/21 Boston, MA
5/22 Philadelphia, PA
5/23 Pittsburgh, PA

6/2-6/5 Bristol, England @ temples fest

Europe/UK (w/ Wormrot and The Afternoon Gentlemen)
10/6 Hamburg, DE @ hafenklang
10/7 Copenhagen, DK @ pumpehuset
10/8 Berlin, DE @ Cassiopeia
10/9 Prague, CZ @ modra vopice
10/10 Budapest, HU @ durer kert
10/11 Ljubljana, SL @ orto bar
10/12 Munich, DE @ feierwork
10/13 Kassel, DE @ goldgrube
10/14 Eindhoven, NL @ bloodshed fest
10/15 London, UK @Nambucca


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