…And Oceans Rise Anew (Jakobstad Chronicles Pt. Drei, Vier, Grenadier)

See, I told you it wouldn’t take long. We’re making yet another dive into the story of Havoc Unit, …And Oceans, Festerday and the people, bands and projects that surrounded them. The three heroes of ours wander no more. One is missing and the lines are broken. The fires of nine years devastated the forest floor, but did not reveal stone, nor dirt. Ashes of the old world lay on a tablet of purest, most beautiful, sacred concrete. But it would soon prove that the new world of calculation, of machines, hedonistic perfection and hyper-capitalistic existence, were far less stable … Continue reading …And Oceans Rise Anew (Jakobstad Chronicles Pt. Drei, Vier, Grenadier)