December Roundup: Hyperdontia, Unleashed, Sulphurous, Lord of Pagathorn & Necromonarchia Daemonum

From the black mouth of your sepulchre emanates the dry breath of the tomb and as I stand mesmerized by its wafting, the shadows begin writhing like black wings around me. Furiously I glare to dispel them, to no avail, trying to see beyond. Gazing. Into the patch of darkness, the walls of Hadri-anus close in. Hyperdontia – Hideous Entity When Hyperdontia‘s new single “Snakes of Innards” dropped, I can’t say I was a man thrilled. It is by no means a bad song, but since Nexus of Teeth, the band had taken leaps and besides Tuna’s constantly improving drumming … Continue reading December Roundup: Hyperdontia, Unleashed, Sulphurous, Lord of Pagathorn & Necromonarchia Daemonum