DOUBLE PUNK REVIEW: Sordid Dogs and Death Pill

YOU’RE NOT PUNK, AND WE’RE TELLIN’ EVERYONE. Justin Thunder Lager joins us to give you the skinny on two punk as fuck releases you ought to hear. Sordid Dogs are a gnarly black metal-punk band from Athens, Greece that answer the question, “What if Midnight was a crust punk band?” Not a diss on this Greek trio, rather that’s what I wish Midnight would sound like now. This is raw metal-punk power that unchains the might of  Hellhammer, (and yeah ok, ok) Discharge, “Cult is Alive”-era Darkthrone, Venom, and Children of Technology — all shouting into the voids of the earth. Speaking of Tommy G. Warrior’s … Continue reading DOUBLE PUNK REVIEW: Sordid Dogs and Death Pill