Gott ist tot!: Another Interview with Noisebringer Records

Checking in on inhumanely prolific one-man metal label Noise.  Noisey, eat your heart out. Gott ist tot! Gott bleibt tot! Und wir haben ihn getötet! God is dead! God remains dead! And Noisebringer has killed him! -Friedrich Nietzsche on Noisebringer Records worship It’s been about five months since I did my first interview with Noise, mastermind behind Noisebringer Records, so as you would assume, he had another album ready to drop, an EP on the horizon, and an accompanying music video.  I have no doubt his release schedule will likely approach Buckethead-levels in the next few years.  Possibly as a Christmas … Continue reading Gott ist tot!: Another Interview with Noisebringer Records