Mini Reviews From Around the Bowl (8/1/24)

I left my placeholder text in here when first published. Oops! Anyway, here’s some minis. Infernal Realm – Chamber of Desolation Independent | July 26, 2024 Infernal Realm seem to long for a simpler time in death metal, a time when the genre hadn’t yet been codified and it shared much of its DNA with its thrash brethren. We’re talking Scream Bloody Gore and Altars of Madness type shit with a dash of the bald-faced brutality that Cannibal Corpse brings to the table. Zack Page’s vocals call to mind the low growls of the late Trevor Strnad, which pairs well with the breakneck tremolo-and-blastbeats … Continue reading Mini Reviews From Around the Bowl (8/1/24)