NATURE IS BEAUTIFUL (VOL. IX – Nocturnal Pollinators w/ Botanist’s Selenotrope)

Let’s talk the birds bats and the bees… and the moths. Selenotropism refers to the ability of some plants to move toward the light of the moon. Fittingly VIII: Selenotrope finds Botanist’s phytocentric subject matter taking root in themes of night, rebirth, the moon-as-lifegiver, and chanting the scientific names of plants that flower at night (excepting the one verse in “Epidendrum Nocturnum” where I’m pretty confident Otrebor yells “Fraxinus!”, which is predominantly wind-pollinated). In the spirit of these themes, here are 6 cool nocturnal pollinators you can invoke to get in the right headspace for 57 minutes of kick-ass, verdant, hammered dulcimer black metal … Continue reading NATURE IS BEAUTIFUL (VOL. IX – Nocturnal Pollinators w/ Botanist’s Selenotrope)