Review: Gom Jabbar/Pissing ContestS/T Split

A new split from underground stalwart label Morbid And Miserable Records bubbles into the ether, continuing a solid calendar year that most prominently included Slog‘s new death/doom highlight Divination and the uppity Cancerworm-worship of horror-obsessed punks The Cult Of Spaceskull. The self-titled split sees Toledo-based band Gom Jabbar—a frenetic three piece mixing elements of powerviolence, noise, and harsh black metal—join forces with frenetic grind outfit Pissing Contest. The latter are ordinarily a marked contrast to the stylings of Gom Jabbar. Primarily a grimey crust and grind project, Pissing Contest’s contribution to the new split is taken from studio sessions during … Continue reading Review: Gom Jabbar/Pissing ContestS/T Split