Review: StarerWind, Breeze, Or Breath

Blink and breathe Inspired primarily by lucid dreaming, the vortex-like songwriting throughout Wind, Breeze, Or Breath evokes as much hypnagogic experiences as it does dreamlike lucidity. Depicting a dream cycle across 7 tracks, the relative lushness of Starer’s third full-length evokes the sort of dissociative immateriality you experience through lucid dreaming, hypnagogia, and nightmares. The one-man black metal project from Kentucky soldiers forward on the back of two previous cult favorites that differentiated the project from many in the USBM scene with a more symphonic, emotive stylistic direction. The annual release schedule starting with 18° Below The Horizon in 2021 … Continue reading Review: StarerWind, Breeze, Or Breath