Record Swap – Black Metal Porkins Vs. Rolderathis

Welcome back to Record Swap, where once more, kvlt kreatvres flaunt their most exalted albums to bedazzle the opposition. But how does it work? Listen up pleb, it’s really quite simple: no foreknowledge of the assigned records, and also, no mercy. Two animals enter the ring, but only one will reign when the dust settles. Will it be the Satan-adjacent swine? Or the truculent Tyto? In this edition, Black Metal Porkins and Rolderathis are at loggerheads with albums from Squalus and Ved Buens Ende. Black Metal Porkins’ Assignment: Squalus – The Great Fish… For Porkins, the turmoil shall never end. Some would … Continue reading Record Swap – Black Metal Porkins Vs. Rolderathis