TMP: Fallujah, Tómarúm, Messa, and More!

I don’t feature enough doom on here, so here’s a double doomer. Fallujah is changing things up a bit. Probably won’t be received well, but it might work. Tómarúm is good. Sweet sweet doom from Messa. Even more sweet doom from Tribunal. Slick Dark Descent death from Diabolizer. Diggin the gaze from Glare. Always love some gaze from Blanket. Fun prog project Tiktaalika (Haken) featuring Rody Walker. Twelve more minutes of wild black metal from Blood Abscission. Fun slightly gothy rock from Heavy Halo. Brutal tech death from Ominous Ruin. Proggy goodness from Dissocia. Vildhjarta are back doing some crazy … Continue reading TMP: Fallujah, Tómarúm, Messa, and More!