Toilet Radio 191: The Toilet Flushes Genre With Brett From Astronoid. “We’re NOT a Metal Band!”

Do you like painting colors within the universe of your brain space while kicking back with an ice cold Narragansett? If the answer’s “no”, TFB. The Tag Team Moshing Champions of the World — 365 Days of Horror and Brenocide — meet up once again for another jovial round of jolly cooperation, together speaking backstage with the guitar virtuoso whose singing voice came from the dream sphere; Brett Boland of Astronoid. Hope you’re ready to hear the boys and Brett riff on contact sports, sub-genre distinction, the pressures of following up a major debut, creepy Japanese media, The Simpsons, and … Continue reading Toilet Radio 191: The Toilet Flushes Genre With Brett From Astronoid. “We’re NOT a Metal Band!”