“Whale Metal” vs Baby Beluga (A Guest Post from TovH pal Megachiles)

When our 16 month old was a wee, fresh infant, only one song could soothe him whenever he was grim about the mouth; whenever it was a damp, drizzly November in his soul: “Baby Beluga” by Raffi. I have multiple hypotheses for why this is, but the most compelling is that Baby Beluga just happens to be the pinnacle of whale-themed music. It’s a perfectly balanced presentation of whale fact, whimsy, and songcraft, giving it a seemingly limitless capacity to conciliate the discontented child. A second leading hypothesis is Canadians are really good at music. Like any nerd worth his … Continue reading “Whale Metal” vs Baby Beluga (A Guest Post from TovH pal Megachiles)