{"id":41277,"date":"2016-01-06T15:00:02","date_gmt":"2016-01-06T21:00:02","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.toiletovhell.com\/?p=41277"},"modified":"2019-04-02T04:26:22","modified_gmt":"2019-04-02T09:26:22","slug":"srihkal-2015-short-releases-i-have-known-and-loved-part-two","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/toiletovhell.com\/srihkal-2015-short-releases-i-have-known-and-loved-part-two\/","title":{"rendered":"SRiHKAL 2015 – Short Releases I Have Known And Loved<\/i> (Part Two)"},"content":{"rendered":"

There was a veritable glut of intoxicating short-releases that made their way into my bloodstream during the past year and I’m going to take some time to share a few\u00a0of them with you.\u00a0Carrying on in\u00a0the tradition of Alexander & Ann Shulgin’s ground-breaking work with PiHKAL<\/a> and TiHKAL<\/a>, I bring you SRiHKAL (Short Releases I Have Known And Loved, 2015). Here, in Part Two, I’ve got some hyper melodic-tech\/prog, anti-human black metal, retro stoner-rock, and some of the best UK death metal released this year.<\/p>\n

In addition to the numerous other EPs, demos and various other small offerings from other bands I’ve covered throughout the year (Sewercide<\/a>\u00a0(OSDM), Sanzu<\/a>\u00a0(death\/groove), Skullreader<\/a>\u00a0(dissonant black\/death), Thrall<\/a>\u00a0(crusty BM), Makavrah<\/a>\u00a0(doom), Caecus<\/a>\u00a0(grindy death), Sequestered Keep<\/a>\u00a0(dungeon synth), Acherontas\/Horna<\/a>\u00a0(ritualistic BM), etc.), I realised there were still a plethora of great little recordings like these from 2015 that shouldn’t go unmentioned. Ingest these at your own risk.<\/p>\n



IUPAC Name:<\/strong> Atlas Entity<\/p>\n

Class:<\/strong> Stimulant<\/p>\n

Synthesis:<\/strong> Created by using a vigorous stirring technique followed by deep-freezing to progressively condense melodium and deathane. A single young lab technician is credited with the discovery but was aided in synthesis by a well-known chemist named Samus (Decrepit Birth<\/strong>). The final product was\u00a0unveiled on August 9th, 2015.<\/p>\n

Dosage:<\/strong> 4ml<\/p>\n

Duration:<\/strong> 16 minutes.<\/p>\n

Symptoms:<\/strong> Rapid eye movement, dizziness, insomnia.<\/p>\n

Similar Compounds:<\/strong> Decrepit Birth, Obscura, Cynic.<\/p>\n