Premiere: Carnotaurus – Jagged Toothed Jaws of Primordial Carnage

It’s gettin’ prehistoric in here. Once you’ve ruled this planet for a couple million years, you deserve some respect, so dinosaurs have rightly been venerated in all sorts of media, including music. Carnotaurus has been worshipping at the altar of the ancient reptiles ever since 2010, and while the moniker of their namesake translates to “meat-eating bull,” this thing was pretty slender and fast as hell. That’s rather fitting, as you shall shortly see, for “Jagged Toothed Jaws of Primordial Carnage,” the track we’re premiering today, takes it anything but slow. It comes from their upcoming split with Power Beast … Continue reading Premiere: Carnotaurus – Jagged Toothed Jaws of Primordial Carnage