PREMIERE: Crafting The Conspiracy – “Equilibrium (Earthbound II)”

EarthBound, tell your children not to walk my way. “I am the Keymaster. Are you the Gatekeeper?” While there may not be a Vinz Clortho or Gozer the Gozerian in Odessa, TX’s Crafting The Conspiracy‘s album trilogy, there is a villain from beyond and a whole lot of destruction. There’s also a whole lot of windmills, spinkicks, and headwalks. With their new song “Equilibrium (Earthbound II)” the band unleash a cosmic torrent of aggression. Guitarist Sebastian Bracamontes shreds with a blazing solo that burns with the intensity of a red giant. Bassist Marcus Denzel Williams and drummer Gilbert Gonzales III … Continue reading PREMIERE: Crafting The Conspiracy – “Equilibrium (Earthbound II)”