Track Premiere: Moral Putrefaction – “Serpent’s Gaze”

From Medusa’s ‘do to Apep‘s eternal conflict with Ra as his solar barque crosses the sky, serpents and mythology share a long and tangled history. Perhaps less widely known (but no less fearsome) is the Aztec deity Quetzalcoatl, or “Feathered Serpent”, often associated with winds, art, and learning. A similar entity lurks on the artwork for Moral Putrefaction‘s self-titled debut, albeit one with a darker set of associations—Namely, blood, sacrifice, and death. The time has come to ascend the step pyramid, meet the “Serpent’s Gaze” and take up pole position with this track premiere. Riffs are inherently cyclical units, and … Continue reading Track Premiere: Moral Putrefaction – “Serpent’s Gaze”