TMP: Artificial Brain, Obsequiae, Beyond Creation, Moon Tooth, Soen, and More!


Get in here for the only news that will matter in the next few days. I can’t think of anything else that will happen that will make worldwide headlines.

Artificial Brain has a new album coming in Spring of 2017 and are going on a little tour with Cognitive.


Tech death band Beyond Creation are hitting up Mexico and South/Central America in February.


The 2017 UK Download Fest lineup is… uh… really weird so far.


Atmospheric sludge dudes Downfall of Gaia released a new video for their album coming out Friday.

Obsequiae released a new track [Editor’s Note: swoooon] on a benefit compilation for Doctors Without Borders. I have heard of maybe one other band on the compilation. I should check this out.

The Great Old Ones released a new track via Decibel. Head over there for more info.

Soen, the best Tool ripoff band ever, released some samples from their upcoming album, which sound less Tool-like.

Moon Tooth did an Audiotree recording of a couple of their songs that I particularly enjoy. The interviewer host guy is painful, though.

  • Ash Borer released a new single from their upcoming album. Check out some atmospheric black metal here.
  • Alkaloid signed with Season of Mist before their upcoming album, which will be out “late 2017”.
  • Mastodon shared a little bit of studio footage. I hate that literally every metal outlet says that things like this are “teases” of a song on a new album. No. It’s some fucking studio footage where you can basically only hear a guitar solo. It tells you nothing about the album.
  • Texas thrash band Power Trip plans to release an album in early 2017.
  • The Strapping Young Lad album City is getting repressed via Blood Music.
  • Yet another Animals as Leaders track (album out Friday).
  • Yet another Superjoint track (also out Friday).
  • Mutoid Man premiered four new songs live, watch them here.
  • Invoking the Abstract shared a new video over at Decibel. Head over there for some instrumental tech metal.
  • Allegaeon are having some money problems that could allegedly collapse the band. This was news early last week, but I figured maybe someone wanted to discuss it.
  • I haven’t heard of too many of these bands, but check out the lineup for Maryland Doom Fest. I guess MD is the place to be if you like festivals.
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