This Toilet Tuesday (3/18/25)
O Faustian Flusher, O Laconic Loo, forgive us our trespass and swamp ass. This week, we’ve got alcoholic animals, discount ... -
This Toilet Tuesday (3/11/25)
O Hungry Maw ov Bemis, O Crater ov the Defecator, feast upon the gifts ov thy populace. This week we’ve ... -
This Toilet Tuesday (3/4/25)
From the depths ov Thy piping, by the currents ov Thy waters, we call upon ye to cleanse our collective ... -
This Toilet Tuesday (2/25/25)
O Radiant Rim, O Plungèd Prince, drain the waste from our bodies into your accommodating commode. This week we’ve got ... -
This Toilet Tuesday (2/18/25)
Windswept, sandblasted Bowl, the dagger winds doth chap the posteriors ov thy many acolytes. Yet we endure, surely as we ... -
This Toilet Tuesday (2/11/25)
O Swirler Below, O Edifice ov the Orifice, accept our blessings this day! This week we’ve got poopcore, a thick ... -
This Toilet Tuesday (2/4/25)
Cheeks descending to thy frigid rim, we brace ourselves for shock. Horripilation follows—as does a tightening of the sphincter. Perched ... -
This Toilet Tuesday (1/28/25)
O Canorous Crapper, O Septic ‘ceptacle, we flush and plunge in your name. This week we’ve got patchwork vegetables, Lepidopteran ... -
This Toilet Tuesday (1/21/25)
Polar vortices and hellfire are upon us; it is clear the porcelain gods grow tired of human affairs. Let us ... -
This Toilet Tuesday (1/14/25)
O Ivory Whirlpool in the Abyss, O Most Benevolent Bemis, drain us of the excesses of yesteryear. This week we’ve ...