Sunday Sesh: A Live Reinterpretation
The great minds behind Toilet ov Hell’s always lively and colorful disqus field have exerted a concerted effort to answer ... -
Bearikson Think Tank: It’s Time to Start Shows Earlier or Cut Some Openers
In which Leif Bearikson begs concerts to show mercy on his feeble body. -
Washington Think Tank: Does Artistic Intent Matter?
Greetings and welcome back to another edition of Washington Think Tank. 2015 is winding down. The flow of great releases ... -
Think Tank: Where Are All The Bands Influenced By Type O Negative?
Unsuccessfully coping with the natural beauty of fading away. -
Review: Bloodway – Mapping The Moment With The Logic Of Dreams
I’ve been sitting on this Bloodway promo for a while. While I’m the first to admit that I’m a good-for-nothing ... -
Washington Think Tank with W.: Who could salvage a terrible album?
Last week I stepped out from behind the desk in my oval office, took off my television make-up, turned off ... -
Washington Think Tank with W.: Why does your favorite band suck?
Last week’s Think Tank post turned into an absolute bloodbath, and the carnage that ensued served as a fitting sacrifice ...