Toilet Radio 201: The One With Sonata Arctica


It’s a hell of an episode, folks. The three good boys chop it up about the issues of the day: King Diamond is going on tour with young supporting talent and we’re pretty danged excited about it. Orange Goblin’s drummer was denied a visa for a US tour which kicks off some lively discussion about our stupid, cruel government agencies. Also, lol @ Slayer’s dumbass NASCAR thing. THEN, Nina drops in to steal the show by interviewing Henrik, keytarist extraordinaire of Sonata Arctica, to talk all things power metal. We learn about their upcoming TENTH! record, Talviyö (Tal-vee-ooh-ah), what it was like working with a producer for the first time, selling out shows all over the damn place, doing meet n’ greets with fans, playing huge crowds in South America, how much ass wolves kick, “Shit Load of Money”, his favorite song to perform live, backing tracks, and keeping things fresh after all these years. INTERVIEW STARTS AT 36:28. Enjoy!

Music featured on this show:
Sonata Arctica – A Little Less Understanding from Talviyö

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