Toilet Radio 256 – Back 2 School feat. Dischordia


Our buddy Stockhausen plays bass in OKC metal band Dischordia. He’s also a public school teacher. He joins us today to talk about the wild ass shit our nation’s teachers are facing as school resumes in a couple of weeks. Underfunded schools, hungry kids, a deadly pandemic, and a federal government dead set on killing public education. But it’s not all doom n’ gloom. We’re also talking about beer in Oklahoma, nu metal bands writing diss tracks, terrible advice from shady industry people, joining the Demon Hunter street team, touring against conventional wisdom, Linkin Park wasting a ton of money in the studio, new Dischordia material, using non-metal instruments to write metal, and getting a PhD in noise music. FOLKS, it’s a good one. Check out Dischordia here. They got new music coming soon.

Music featured on this ‘sode:
Pyrrhon – Human Capital

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