Review: Necrot Have Blood Offerings Aplenty
How long had it been? How long had he been down in this cavern? How many weeks? Or was it ... -
Sunday Sesh: I Hope You Didn’t get Bursted this Weekend
In space, no one can hear you sequel your prequel. -
Morbid Angel Tour Setlist to Exclude David Vincent Era Songs For Some Dumb Reason
Excitement for the band’s upcoming tour just took a serious hit. -
Sunday Sesh: Do the Splits with Nucleus and Macabra
Spend your Sunday getting weird with this new surprise split from Nucleus and Macabra. -
Bearikson Think Tank: It’s Time to Start Shows Earlier or Cut Some Openers
In which Leif Bearikson begs concerts to show mercy on his feeble body. -
Track Premiere: Somnium Nox Have a “Soliloquy of Lament” for You
Everything in Australia is trying to kill you… even the music. -
Sunday Sesh: Let’s Just Watch Elves
I’m going to level with you my dudes: This weekend has sucked a mighty butt. -
Metal Tinged Horrors are Rarely as Sweet as The Devil’s Candy
To say that heavy metal has had a tough time being properly represented in movies would be…generous. -
YouTube Comment Roulette
There is a hell. It’s real. I’ve seen it. I’ve lived in it. I’ve spent countless hours wandering through its ...