Review: NMK — Ravenous Spectre
Let’s start with my conclusion: NMK‘s debut, Ravenous Spectre, is a melodeath gem! -
Guest Post: Bert Banana Tackles Testicular Torture
When given the opportunity to review Sadomagikal Seducer’s demo Testicular Torture, it was an automatic “Yes”. The album is titled ... -
REVIEW: Vampillia – Happiness Brought by Endless Sorrow
Well, here I am looking like a dang fool. The morning my article on Vampillia went up, which I ended ... -
Review: Chevalier – A Call To Arms
Good raw speed metal has been popping up more and more in the last few years, but despite that, this ... -
Monster Movie Double Smash: Pacific Rim Uprising and Rampage
You, as a patron of the Toilet, are a high-minded connoisseur of art and culture. You eat the finest foie ... -
More tapping than a keg convention. -
UPLIFTING NON-METAL REVIEW: Tengil – shouldhavebeens
Imagine if The Cure had a large part of their sound informed by black metal and post-black metal. I’m not ... -
REVIEW: As Árvores Estão Secas e Não Têm Folhas by Urze de Lume
The trees have grown dry and bare, as have I. -
DOUBLE PUNK REVIEW: Sordid Dogs and Death Pill
YOU’RE NOT PUNK, AND WE’RE TELLIN’ EVERYONE. Justin Thunder Lager joins us to give you the skinny on two punk ... -
A Double Dose of Finnish Prog-Rock: Malady and Sammal
Ah Finland, what a country. I’m still convinced that there’s something in the water over there that helps musicians become ...