Keeping Metal Danegerous: An Interview with Sacred Son


Muses come in many forms: sometimes they’re apples falling onto physicists, sometimes they’re figures in repose on silken sheets, but no matter how they appear, their effect is inspiration. Back in 2017, a peculiar album cover spread across the web, drawing the respect (or incorrigible ire, if you’re a huge nerd) of black metal fans the world over. There was something different about Sacred Son—the shades, the lack ov göat blóð, a vacation selfie smile in place of corpse paint. The subversion of expectations hooked me, and underneath the artwork, there was a surprising bite to the tunes as well. Two years have passed since the self-titled debut, but Dane is back, and he’s got friends in tow for the second LP, Arthurian Catacombs. I swooped in to talk with him about castle ruins, online anger and the transition of Sacred Son from a solo project to a full-fledged band.

Y’all better fill that comment section with Sonposts. He’s watching.

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