Radio Toilet ov Hell Episode 3


Welcome back to another edition of the web’s preeminent not-really-a-radio-show-radio-show. This week features music from Bloodthirst, Ragehammer, Judicator and Sunwølf. Join Joe and Randall as they talk about adorable animals, first wave black metal, and discuss April Fool’s Day with special guest W.

Music featured in this program:

Bloodthirst – “The Reign of the Antichrist” from their upcoming Glorious Sinners EP (Preorder)(Stream Full Album)(Facebook)
Ragehammer – “First Wave Black Metal” from their upcoming debut LP The Hammer Doctrine (Preorder)(Stream full album)
Judicator – “God’s Failures” from At the Expense of Humanity (Bandcamp)(Facebook)
Sunwølf – “Gilded Heart” from their upcoming LP Eve (Preorder)(Bandcamp)(Facebook)

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