The Mailmanbro Returneth: Show Us Your Haul!


The great and mighty Mailmanbro returns this month, and he’s brought his cousin, Recordstorebro, with him.

WARNING: Colorful and non-Metal albums inside. Sorry, we can’t all be Tyree.

Last month our favorite former president brought us together in celebration of Mailmanbro, the ever present, ever vigilant bringer of parcels and packages. This month I would like to shine a light on his cousin, Recordstorebro.

You know him; the reserved figure that somehow always scores you the rare pressings of Scandinavian Black Metal you’ve never even heard of, the “business first” young gun that always has the latest releases a week in advance, the old hesher that talks for hours about the “good ‘ol days” and still out-moshes everyone in the pit, even the dorky looking guy that can recite every Napalm Death member in chronological order, and let us not forget the black nail polish goth chick that talks in Type O Negative lyrics. Whatever his or her incarnation is, the goods are always in stock, the tunes are always jamming, and the Top 5 lists are always being made.

I’ll start things off with my own haul

According to this, I am an old man that isn't allowed at family gatherings because I talk about my past accomplishments too much and never got out of my Wu-Tang phase.

Recordstoremanbro proved to everyone I am an old man that isn’t allowed at family gatherings because I talk about my past accomplishments too much and never got out of my Wu-Tang phase


Both Mailmanbro and Recordstorebro collaborated to bring me some classics I had negelected.

Both Mailmanbro and Recordstorebro collaborated to bring me some classics I had neglected

And here are the latest additions to some of our Toileteers’ never ending collections.

Coal Roll was hooked up with original pressings of some heavy hitters.

Mailmanbro hooked Coal Roll up with original pressings of some heavy hitters



Mailmanbro helped Spear keep his Axe Unspeakable.

Mailmanbro helped Spear keep his Axe Unspeakable


Mailmanbro helped Stanley remain blackened.

Mailmanbro helped Stanley remain blackened


Mailmanbro helped Sweettooth complete discographies.

Mailmanbro helped Sweettooth complete discographies (Beer not included)


And helped him get closer to GOD

And helped him get closer to GOD


Mailmanbro helped Pagliacci keep his battlejacket Kvlt.

Mailmanbro helped Pagliacci keep his battlejacket Kvlt


Mailmanbro help Jom Pootersan remind us that we all need more Mgła

Mailmanbro helped Jom Pootersan remind us that we all need more Mgła


Mailmanbro gave Simon some TRUE METAL

Mailmanbro delivered Simon some TRUE METAL


Mailmanbro helped Bert Banana with his growing colored vinyl collection

Mailmanbro helped Bert Banana with his growing colored vinyl collection


Mailmanbro brought Karhu a human foot to devour and background music

Mailmanbro brought Karhu a human foot to devour and background music


Mailmanbro keeps a shirt on Moshoff's back

Mailmanbro keeps a shirt on Moshoff’s back

Whether your record store is like Championship Vinyl, Empire Records or even the flashy one in A Clockwork Orange, there you will always find a home. I now open the floor to you, my fellow toileteers, share your latest haul and perhaps even a tale about a Mailmanbro or Recordstorebro of your own.



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