
Review: HavukruunuTavastland


A soundtrack for pagan triumph

Finland! At this point, anyone even remotely into metal knows that the country is pretty much Metal World. And of course, the country has one of the most prolific and enduring black metal scenes, for better or worse. But regardless, today we have Havukruunu, the current poster boys for pagan black metal. Considering the fact that this year marks the 10th anniversary of their debut album, it’s exceedingly fitting that they’ve finally graced the world with their much anticipated fourth full length album, Tavastland.

Havukruunu have pretty much established themselves as purveyors of quality pagan black metal, and for a solid decade they’ve had a near spotless record of killer albums, and even an EP that was pretty great. So after a considerable amount of time, their return is most welcomed, and I’m happy to say that the band are continuing their streak of great music with gusto.

For those unfamiliar with these Finns, their style of black metal follows in the tradition of other pagan or heathen acts, most notably Moonsorrow, and especially late-era Bathory, and more specifically, very melodic black metal with an emphasis on guitar work and a grandiose atmosphere. However, unlike their kinsmen, Moonsorrow, the band doesn’t use as many synths or folk instrumentation; they’re definitely there, and this new record definitely makes excellent use of them at key moments, but overall, Havukruunu favors a straightforward approach with dual guitars, bass and drums. And with that in mind, it is no surprise that this record seems to quadruple down on the band’s classic metal melodicism. Continuing with the sound and leanings from the previous album, and incorporating the synths of the preceding EP, the band really lets their love of OLD METAL, as Fenriz from Darkthrone would say, shine unashamedly.

The guitar work has always been the most important aspect of Havukruunu’s music, so that’s the first thing you’ll hear going in, and sure enough, band founder Stefan and second guitarist Henkka are absolute riffmasters. Their dueling riffs and melodies (as well as the solos in this record) are as face melting as they are epic (keep that word in mind throughout this review and the album), but it is worth noting that the rhythm section by returning bassist Humö, and drummer Kostajainen are no slouches; in fact, the bass work and drumming is as impressive as the guitars, and all together make the music soar. More impressively is how this current lineup has been together for a little over 2 years, and their chemistry is impeccable—the way the guitars, bass and drums complement each other is simply astounding.

The band’s production has also been perfected by now, as they have that organic grit that black metal benefits from, and it’s clean enough so that you hear everything, specially the additional instrumentation like synths, acoustic guitars, what sounds like a tambourine, and even ambiance like an owl and forest sounds. On the use of folk instrumentation, I cannot go on without praising the vocals, both the roaring growls of main man Stefan, but also the band’s collective chant choirs. The band has always done the whole pagan war cries, but on this record in particular they really nailed that epic sense of fellowship that in other bands just sounds cheesy and melodramatic.

I’ve very little to complain about here, because Havukruunu certainly deliver, and while I could nitpick and point out how the band are playing to their strengths that would just be an excuse because this record is just too good. They perfectly alternate between epic metal, melodic black metal, blackened folk and even some atmospheric black metal with ease and expertise. It’s such an eclectic and varied record that its 50+ minute run-time just flies by and you’re still left satisfied and ready to spin it again. So, to close off, Terve Havukruunu!

5/5 Flaming Toilets ov Hell

Tavastland releases February 28 through Svart Records.

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