River of Nihil’s Brody Uttley Walks Us Through “The Living Doorway”


Brody Uttley, the guitarist for Rivers of Nihil, has announced on Facebook that he is working on an instrumental album under the moniker The Living Doorway — citing Rosetta and Cloudkicker as influences. Stream the first track from his project after the jump.


Post-rock/metal is a difficult genre to play – not technically (like Uttley’s main gig), but emotionally. The subtle build-ups, the heart-wrenching climaxes and the expressive come downs are crucial, yet the track is rendered void unless there is an emotional connection made with the listener. Consider the chord struck with me; While ‘Ocean is more ancient than the mountains, and freighted with the memories and the dreams of time’ breaks no new ground in the post-genre realm, Uttley still manages to write a down-tempo beauty. Needless to say, I’m looking forward to hearing more.

What are your thoughts on the track? Let’s discuss.

(Photo VIA)

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