Track Premiere: Gutslit – “Matriarch”


Mumbai Massacre.

After 6 long years since their last record (and since we last saw them on this humble commode), Indian deathgrinders Gutslit will return triumphantly with their third full-length Carnal. 2017’s Amputheatre regaled us with horrific tales of torture, so it’s perhaps no surprise that Carnal will once again explore the darker recesses of human nature, this time drawing inspiration from serial killers. We’re happy to present you the first single, “Matriarch,” today.

Kicking things off with an insane scream from returning original singer Aditya, we get a blast beat, a crusty section with a semi-d-beat, and a monstrously groovy part that is bound to make your head bop, all before the track reaches the one-minute mark. With the pinpoint precision of tech death, the band twist and wind their way through the twisted and winding minds of their subjects. Speaking of which, if you’re wondering who’s telling us about killing his mother and “humiliat[ing] her corpse” in the middle of the song, that’s Ed Kemper, whose down-pitched voice nicely leads us into the first breakdown. From here, things dramatically wind back up, only for everything to come crashing down even harder in the final part.

“‘Matriarch’ explores the concept of Nature vs Nurture, highlighting how external factors can amplify an individual’s predisposition to violence.”

Drenched in gore and absolutely clobbering you with its powerful production, “Matriarch” gives you a good idea of what to expect when Carnal drops in July. The artwork, by the way, was done by Kidsquidy, whose awesome work you can see more of on the Gutslit website.

Carnal will be out on July 7th. Pre-orders are available here!

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