Toilet Radio 411 – Failed Flippers and Soggy Singers


Welcome to a brand new year of Toilet Radio. We celebrated New Years Eve by watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Project Runway, and Delicatessen respectively. On this episode: Breno goes on an epic gamer rant about Chat Pile and the hype overload from list season. We talk about THE BIG SIX, the latest supergroup consisting of six death core vocalists. Chuck Billie of Testament is now a house flipper. Specifically, he became a house flipper during the absolute apex of the housing market in the United States. We talk about flippers, “passive income”, and an industry even more doomed than music. Finally, we’re talking about the latest incarnation of Bamboozle fest. After When We Were Young, it looks like Bamboozle is seeking to grab all the bands that weren’t remembered fondly from the early 2000s.

Music featured on this show:
Eternal Sleep – Against a Wall

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