Want to Win a Free Copy of the Three-Disc Scream Bloody Gore Reissue? Bring Your Dank Game


“Yes, perfect!” you think to yourself as you ponder all of the impending likes your timely and topical meme featuring a vaping Dat Boi being announced as the running mate for Gary Johnson’s campaign is about to receive. You lick your lips at the thought. “Surely this will prove to the normies that I am the meme king.” As you tap the enter key, you sit back and marvel at your work. “It’s clever, ironic, and way ahead of the memecurve. I dare these plebs to stand against my withering memecraft.” You survey your ironic, dank kingdom, chortle to yourself, and heat up a personal pizza for lunch.

Brave internet warrior, this contest is for you.

You like Death, right? Sure you do! Everyone likes Death. You especially like Scream Bloody Gore, right? Sure you do! Everyone knows Symbolic is for nerds! Well, dank memonaut, today is the day that you put your vast knowledge of the memecurve to use in order to win a fabulous prize. The ToH Foundation has in its possession an unopened copy of the 3-disc deluxe Scream Bloody Gore reissue from Relapse Records, donated to us by a very sensual and mysterious benefactor. All you have to do is bring your dankest metal meme.


I wouldn’t suggest something like this.

The rules are simple.

1. Make your own dank metal meme. OC, please.
2. Post that dank meme in the comments section of this article.
3. Upvote the dankest memes.

Submissions will be accepted until 5 p.m. central time on Friday, June 3rd. We will announce the winner next week. Good luck and don’t take an arrow to the knee huehuehue.

Friendly reminder: if your memery suxx (and I’m certain this applies to a number of you), you can still purchase the reissues from Relapse here.

(Photo VIA)

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