Track Premiere: Ensanguinate – Death Vernacular


Memento Mori

The old saying goes “The only thing for certain is death and taxes.” Looking around as the rich get richer and the rest of us pay the price, we know that only death is certain. Death is the great equalizer. No matter your bank account, no matter your social status, no matter your piety, the end is all the same. Everything, not just the physical vessel, is washed away into total, unforgiving darkness. When the end comes, will you be ready? I know I’m not.

Slovenia’s Ensanguinate dive headfirst into the great unknown with their vicious brand of old school death metal. Like a burial shroud, they have cloaked us with the brand new track Death Vernacular from their upcoming debut album Eldtritch Anatomy. Much like life, Death Vernacular is short, nasty, and brutal. Riffs shred the body,  pounding drums pummel the mind, a quick solo disorients the heart, and vicious vocals dismantle the soul.

The band says:

“DEATH VERNACULAR is a freeze-frame of the longest moment at the end of every life, where words fail and rationale gives way to pure intuition and knowledge through oneness with death. It is the only point where de Saussure’s signifier is truly bypassed and no longer burdens the ego, allowing it to dissolve and fully meld with the signified: true Death.

“Mimicking this is ENSANGUINATE’s goal. It is both a paradox and ironic, to be sure, yet by staring into the abyss and immersing ourselves in death and tragedy through these songs – an additional layer to the lyrics for DEATH VERNACULAR – and pairing them with the proper keys during our live performances, we may at least glimpse our goal and eschew language for true intuition, if only briefly.

“Some seek the Devil through the ritualistic nature of art, others still will find Him at the end of a rope.”


Crawl into a crypt, get the whiff of death on your nostrils, and take a listen to Death Vernacular now:



Eldritch Anatomy will be out on September 2nd via Emanizpation Productions. Pre-order the album here and Like the Ensanguination on Facebook.

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