Toilet Radio 384 – We Cover No Cover


This week on Toilet Radio: We’re watching the first six episodes of Hit Parader’s NO COVER, a YouTube reality show in which bands compete for a chance to get signed to Sumerian Records. Is that a good prize? We discuss! Join us as we revel in an all-celebrity judge’s panel destroying the hopes and dreams of annoying local bands. Alice Cooper, Tosin Abasi, Lzzy Hale, Gavin Rossdale, and the other one all join in taking on metal dorks, theater kids, fameballs, and posers. Wanna watch the show? It’s over here on YouTube. This week we cover the first six episodes. Stay tuned for our wrap up of NO COVER Season 1 when we cover the final five episodes. 

Music featured on this week’s show:
Innumerable FormsBuilt on Wrought

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