Review: The Arcane Order – Distortions from Cosmogony
I’m always impressed with my ability to be completely out of the loop when it comes to contemporary music. Some would say I live under a rock, others would say I’m just not very observant. Both are probably true since The Arcane Order appears to be a well established band with a 15+ year history and more than a few well-received full lengths under their belt. Their latest album, Distortions from Cosmogony, has finally allowed me to enter the modern age and I’ve got to say I’m nothing short of impressed. Who says all the best metal albums were all written in the late ’80s and early ’90s? Probably me at some point…but that’s why I’m here to tell you, I’m wrong! Don’t listen to me! Listen to The Arcane Order instead!
This album absolutely crushes. Melodic death metal isn’t always my favorite, but “melodic” really doesn’t truly capture the entirety of what’s presented here. The tonal shifts between brutal shredding guitars, monstrous drumming, and actual melodies are pretty seamless. On occasion I actually found the band manages to mix the two sounds together, confusing my feeble brain. I had to ask myself, does this sound heavy or pretty? The answer: Both. Sure most of the record is marked by insanely fast blasts over evil, trem-picked riffage, occasionally lending itself towards dissonant, black metal sounds, but there were also moments that mixed piano, keyboards, and lightly-sprinkled clean vocals. One minute you feel like you’re in an avalanche getting smashed by rocks, the next you’re being swept off to climb triumphantly to the top of that same mountain to address the Gods themselves.
Did I mention I think The Arcane Order has a truly excellent band name? Those can be hard to come by these days. I’m equally impressed with their song titles. Classy all the way. Check out the Bandcamp player below to stream “Cry of Olympus” as well!
Distortions from Cosmogony will be released through Black Lion Records on June 9, 2023.