The Greatest Metal Concept Album Ever Tournament: Part 2


It’s March Madness, and we here at ToH have bracket fever. However, most of us metalheads are far more familiar with 20-sided dice than barbells, so rather than going ape over B-ball, we’re throwing down on some mental mathletics. We’ve scoured the hallowed halls of Valhalla to find the best and brightest concept albums in all of metaldom, but we can’t decide this alone. We need you to choose the greatest metal concept album ever. Today, the second half of the 32-competitor bracket squares off. Who will be left standing?

Remember, your goal is to not just choose the album you like the most, but to try to pick the album whose concept best fits the music. Y’all did pretty well with the first 16, so let’s see how strong your resolve is in the right side of the bracket. Be judicious as you cast your stones below.

The full bracket (stab to embiggen)

Devin Townsend’s Ziltoid the Omniscient vs. Queensryche‘s Operation: Mindcrime

Overcaffeinated Space Invader vs. Disillusioned Junkie Turned Revolutionary

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Ahab’s Call of the Wretched Sea vs. Edge of Sanity’s Crimson

Moby Dick vs. Children of Men, kinda

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Christopher Lee’s Charlemagne vs. Iced Earth’s Night of the Stormrider

Count Dooku’s Glorious French King Ancestor vs. Pagan Earth’s Revenge

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Meshuggah’s Catch Thirtythree vs. Sepultura’s Dante XXI

Psychological Paradoxes vs. Dante’s Inferno

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Opeth’s Still Life vs. Bathory’s Blood on Ice

Oppressive Religion vs. Viking Vengeance

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Vektor’s Terminal Redux vs. Insomnium’s Winter’s Gate

Finding Immortality…in Space vs. Vikings Looking for St. Patrick

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Hail of Bullet’s III: The Rommel Chronicles vs. Blind Guardian’s Nightfall in Middle-Earth

The Desert Fox’s Adventures in Africa vs. How Melkor Lost All His Friends

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Ulver’s Nattens Madrigal vs. Between the Buried and Me’s Parallax II: Future Sequence

Wolves and Other Spooky Night Stuff in the Dark Side of Man vs. One Consciousness Shared Across Two Realities

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