Get Fucking Mauled By This H U G E Engulf Premiere


Surprise, you’re dead!

Late last year I was blown away when stumbling upon the name your price debut EP from one-man death metal project Engulf, and such was the incredible quality of this previously unknown musician that within weeks he was picked up by the savvy dudes at Everlasting Spew Records to put that killer shit to print. Well, today we’re stoked as hell to share with you the first follow-up fiyaaaah from New Jersey’s solo-shred machine Hal Microutsicos, appropriately titled ‘Maul’. Smash play and read on…

Death metal doesn’t get much better than that, does it? Hal clearly has an innate ability to craft riffs that don’t just merely burrow into your brain, but rather rip open your skull, extract the whole cerebrum, and clench it tightly until the individual cortices burst like plasma-filled popping candy. Seriously though, this style of death metal is akin to confectionery for me; instantly satisfying, super damn addictive, and sweeeet af. Since scoring the masters of this upcoming EP titled Gold And Rust, I’ve developed death metal diabetes, every hour or so I’m back for another riff-rush.

Normally we’d make some contemporary comparisons for readers to garner a stylistic grounding-point, but I feel that Engulf brings so much to the table throughout these tracks that it’d be futile to only name-drop a few similar acts. Although, while I do still stand by my previous statement that his debut EP Subsumed Atrocities shat all over Morbid Angel‘s recent efforts, I would like to amend it slightly by including “Gold And Rust” and the “shitting on basically every other modern-sounding death metal record of this style in recent memory”, for good measure. Just to satiate you until this beast is released, here’s a reminder of why many around here deemed ‘Aeons Of Hate’ to contain one of the top riffs of 2017. Get your fix.

Pre-order Engulf‘s Gold And Rust through Everlasting Spew Records directly or via Bandcamp.

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