Premiere: DIED – “I Rob You”


We’re going to get insanely aggro for a moment. Ready?

Ever been broke, depressed, and dealing with forces much, much bigger than yourself? It’s not ideal! With “I Rob You” the closing track from Anonymized Internal Criminals, NYC-based post-hardcore act Died really nail the calamity of living through desperate times with burgeoning mental illness and rent due on the first. Recorded by the absolute lad, Arthur Rizk, Anonymized Internal Criminals clangs furiously from hardcore, to mathcore, to grindcore, and back to post-punk. More hard-edged than their debut, this sophomore EP has jams that should please everyone from fans of Fugazi to Phobia. Press play and slam your face into the cinderblocks.

Anonymized Internal Criminals is out this Friday. It’ll be FREE on Bandcamp so cop it and while you’re at it, go ahead and say a howdy-do on Facebook. If you’re in the NYC area on Friday, go check out Died’s record release show at Trans-Pecos with Chaste and Cutie.

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