A Surprise Diss(o)emination

Clearly the metal gods both love and despise me. More stellar tunes, but an ingrained anxiety stemming from the need to write about them is the cost. The yin-yang nature of this sort of thing. However, I shall not be broken or intimidated by such things as overwhelming music designed to break you. I shall endure and parse the information to help the reader in discovering these dissonant helpings.
Serpent Column – Tassel of Ares (October 19)
What a surprise it was to wake up on a Saturday morning, open my Bandcamp app and see the most delightful news. A brand-spanking new Serpent Column release set upon the world despite being defunct for the past 3 years. Now, if you find yourself unfamiliar with this project, you better fix this egregious error with the upmost haste. Blending elements of black metal, mathcore, and even occasionally grind, all packaged together in an overtly hostile and dissonant manner, Serpent Column is both beautiful and horrifying to experience. Their 2019 release Mirror in Darkness was even my album of the year. However, the project seemingly came to an end in 2021 with their release of their Katartisis EP. All was not lost though, as the mind behind Serpent Column continued his musical endeavors with the formation of the excellent Theophonos.
Following the 3 year layoff, main man Jimmy Hamzey decided to return to his first project to help remind us that he remains king of the niche style of metallic, shifting, and earsplitting madness. Tassel of Ares relies less on the straightforward, down your throat aggression of the latter half of Serpent Column’s previous releases and focuses more on guitar-oriented textures and long form ideas. Now, this isn’t to say that this is a change to an easy listening or chill experience. The density remains—along with the expected harshness of previous material—but now it appears the music is changing just as Hamzey has also undoubtably changed over the past several years. Even with other standout acts that perform similar material such as the impressive Ὁπλίτης, Serpent Column have returned to reclaim their rightful place atop the mountain of the musical genre they helped create.
Avtotheism – Reflections Of Execrable Stillness (October 25)
Now to shift from a project of known excellence to one that was completely new to me. This Italian dissonant death metal trio composed of single letter moniker members have come to play with the big boys right out of the gate. Avtotheism play what I can best describe as atmospheric death metal, but executed in the vain of such acts as Malthusian and Serpent of Old. Progressive elements are added for extra mind-warping effect, but they by no means diminish the heaviness that comes through. Reflections of Execrable Stillness makes fantastic usage of its run-time with plenty of sections that pull back from the usual tropes of speed and aggression by utilizing space and slower time-feels. This creates a complete package of dissonance that never feels overpowering or try-hard.
The second track “Multitudes of Sand II” opens with a double bass barrage with haunting guitar wails overlaid to set the creepy atmosphere before the low-end rasps enter to deliver the message fully. A message of darkness that welcomes you rather then pushes you away. Then an unexpected turn at 1:32 occurs with ringing guitar notes that pierce the mix to act as a siren warning to the remainder of the track. This idea returns at the 3:20 mark, but played with a pulled back and demure style to let the fear settle upon you. Flowing from one inescapable and crushing idea to the next, Avtotheism have truly come from a void to lay upon you a sermon of melancholy and underworld emanations.
Mitochondrian – Vitriseptome (November 1)
One surprise album was simply not enough for this article, so underground death metal veterans Mitochondrian have decided that it is in their best interest to also release their new album. With their first LP in 13 years, these Vancouver madlads have decided to come back to the limelight (metaphorically speaking) with a gargantuan, 17-track double album spanning nearly 90 minutes. Despite only having one current track available for listening, the excitement for their return cannot simply be ignored. Dense, harsh, and unrelenting madness is to be expected from this group, but a double album only serves to lengthen the sentence cast upon you by these darkened overlords.
Creating an extended experience with music as abrasive as this almost feels designed as a punishment for the weak-willed and uninitiated. The available track “The Prothanthrofuge” is an experience in its own right, with nervous system-twisting guitar attacks and putrid vocal delivery. A moist seepage of hatred and vileness come through the sonic waves as an almost personal attack against reason and sanity. Trying to endure a full 90-minute length for this level of dissonant grime will surely be a major turn off for the majority of even seasoned extreme metal aficionados, but I am preparing my mind, body, and spirit for the oncoming onslaught. Just please keep me in your thoughts and prayers while I do so.