Bastard Feast: The Toilet ov Hell Interview (Plus Tour Dates!)
Portland, Oregon’s Bastard Feast (formerly Elitist) have been making a big damn racket since releasing Osculum Infame earlier this year. Starting this week they’re gonna be taking their brand of blackened hardcore (and sometimes doom) on the road to a venue near you. We got a chance to briefly talk with guitarist Taylor Robinson of the band. Read our interview below and catch them on tour!
Greetings and cheers! You guys have created one of the most heinous/incredible albums of the year. What was your motivation in creating this filthy and hellish album?
Taylor: We’re channeling that past from darkness to our influences in other bands. We’re not exactly happy people but we’re not exactly sad sacks of shit either. We just fucking hate the society we grew up in and have done nothing but scream about it since we were kids. It started more political back in the days of Elitist now its just gotten sad and evil.
At the risk of asking a question you’ve likely answered before, would you care to explain why you chose the title Osculum Infame? What does Satan’s anus taste like?
Its been a working title for quite a long time. We just needed it to fall into place. Our band has chosen the left hand path and I believe that that’s exactly the leap of faith that Osculum Infame is, choosing the Devil over God. Evil over good, or is God really the Devil, and is good and bad all in the eye of the beholder. Its open ended. its ambiguous. I’m sure his asshole would taste like popcorn.
The Osculum Infame was not what you expected, was it?
There is a shit load of crust and grind that infects your style of playing. I’m very curious to know who influenced your guitar work.
I grew up listening to a lot of Converge and Cursed. Darker hardcore, now its changed and formed into a mash of my favorite metal bands. From our hometown heroes YOB to Watain and a variety of pop now too.
Do you have any advice you’d like to give to younger musicians?
Yeah – its not what you think it is.
Justin Yaquinto came onboard between Fear and Osculum Infame, correct? Has having a second guitarist allowed you to expand your sound?
Yeah so did Jesse Aspy (our bass player). Justin originally joined playing bass but switched to guitar. He toured with us multiple times playing bass but then when we started talking about becoming a five piece we asked Jesse and everything fell into place.
What piece (or pieces) of gear can you not live without?
Well I don’t know…I think we all have at least one thing that makes our sound “that thing” ya know? Justin and I use the same distortions and pretty similar setups in general so we’d both say that pedal makes our guitar tone. Nick has a special snare that just he has and it makes it unique to him.
You guys are noted partiers. What’s your cheap beer preference? Do you have a favorite shitty beer by region?
Ha! I’m hungover as I write this. Tecate I would say is our favorite beer, but we love Lonestar when we’re in Texas.
Pictured: intestinal discomfort
You’re gearing up to hit the road. Is there anywhere in particular you’re stoked to check out? What is the worst city in the nation and why?
Worst city? I’m not a huge fan of NYC mainly because its the other side of the country and by the time we all get there we’re strapped on cash and feelin’ the burn. I’m excited for Nola and Miami!
You’re kicking off the tour in a big fucking way: Halloween night with EYEHATEGOD, Iron Reagan, and Power Trip in Sacramento. Have you had the opportunity to play with these bands before? Ideas for Halloween costumes?
We’ve never played with any of them before, but our good friend is putting on the show so we hopped on and it couldn’t be a better way to start this tour. Halloween costume: Ebola victims.
What’s the best way to beat boredom on the road?
Jacking off.
When performing live, is there a fan-favorite tune that folks go ape shit for? What is your dream cover song?
In the Elitist days yes. We haven’t had a chance to play a lot since the album came out, and fuck we have talked about so many covers; we want to do a Depeche Mode cover.
The Toilet ov Hell loves to cover young bands that haven’t had much exposure. Are there any young artists you think people need to know?
Plague Widow are some of our good buds and their band fucking rips.
It was a privilege talking with you! Is there any knowledge you want to kick on our readers?
“Drink and die” should be everyone goal’s for Halloween, thanks!
Jam on their album from earlier this year Osculum Infame right chea. Then go like ’em on Facebook and say howdy.
BASTARD FEAST tour dates:
10/31 Sacramento, CA @ Starlite Lounge
11/2 Phoenix, AZ @ 51 West Venue
11/3 Albuquerque, NM @ Sister
11/5 Austin, TX @ Red 7
11/6 New Orleans, LA @ Siberia
11/8 Tallahassee, FL @ Pete
11/10 Miami, FL @ House Show
11/11 Jacksonville, FL @ The Shantytown Pub
11/12 Savannah @ The Jinx
11/20 Philadelphia, PA @ Kung Fu Necktie
11/21 Pittsburgh, PA @ Camp Clark
11/23 Indianapolis, IN @ The Melody Inn
11/24 Chicago, IL @Grandbar
11/26 Denver, CO @ Barbar
11/28 Laramie, WY @ House show
11/29 Salt Lake City, UT @ The Shred Shed
11/30 Las Vegas, NV @ The Adrenaline Bar
12/1 Fresno, CA @ Chinatown Youth Center
12/2 Oakland, CA @ The Metro