Best Post-2k Band Logo Bracket: Round 1.1

Today we begin the tournament to decide who’s killing the logo game so far in this millennium.
Judging by the response to the previous tournament brackets we’ve held here, you all really enjoy voting on trivial shit. Basically, as long as it has no tangible effect on your life, you’ll definitely be there to discuss, rage, and ultimately decide what’s right and what’s wrong. Especially if that topic involves arbitrary opinion on art. Voter apathy be damned. So following on from our recent metal-related comps –
- Most Innovative Modern Guitarist
- Sexiest Dude In Metal
- Greatest Metal Concept Album
- Worst Metal Song Of All Time
- Best Unsigned Band In The USA
We thought it would be fun to do one based on the best band logo created since the year 2000. Why 2000? Look, I’m no mathematician. But sources tell me it has been 18 years since the turn of the millennium. Remember Y2K and all that junk? Of course you don’t. No-one does. Time before this Toilet existed was an amorphous æther realm of interchangeable and ultimately inconsequential events. However, if such a time was conceivably important at all, and you travelled back 18 years in the other direction you’d arrive in 1982. A time when Iron Maiden were counting the numbers of the beast, Judas Priest were screaming for vengeance, Metallica were just about to kill ’em all, and Venom were laughably bad blackening metal. Metal’s sound and structure has changed a lot since those days, but one of the things that has remained constant across the years is the importance of a killer band logo.
Some bands really put some effort into creating/choosing an eye-catching logo. Others just opt for some piss-weak Microsoft© Word-ass font and move on to sucking musically as well as artistically. Anyway, fuck them. We’re here to celebrate some of our modern faves. So a few weeks ago we asked for some submissions from around the bowl-o-sphere and after some fucking around trying to get them to look half-decent on a white background here we are. 64 entries, lots of different styles, lots of different sub-genres, one (eventual) winner. Let’s go!