Blue Felix – Middle Finger Up: A Video Breakdown


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In my constant searches for bad music videos and ridiculous promo pictures, I came across an article entitled “Tons Of Free Tunes on Masked Metal Mayhem”. Well, jeez, you know I have to click on something like that. The gist of the article is that Noah “Shark” Robertson of Motograter and Zombie Shark Records put out a free compilation of bands that wear masks or paint their faces. It makes sense that someone from a band with not one, but two gimmicks, would want to prop up other gimmicky bands. Nothing wrong with that. I enjoy a good mask or face paint every now and then. We’ve already done a Video Breakdown for one of the bands featured on this comp, Dirty Machine, so we might as well keep going.

Blue Felix is a nu metal band from Minneapolis, Minnesota. Hey, HessianHunter, how many times have you seen them? The band currently has over 16,000 likes on Facebook so the next time you see your favorite underground band play in a dingy basement in front of 10 people, bands like Blue Felix are rolling in the likes. Maybe it’s the music. Maybe it’s the gimmicks. Maybe the lowest common denominator is the sweet spot. Who knows? All I know is that you should watch their video.

0:06: Yes, this song features Sid Wilson from Slipknot.
0:10: I wonder if they had to provide him with a keg to hit or if he brought his own.
0:18: Look out! It’s someone with hideous fashion sense!
0:24: The Snowman could learn a thing or two from this video.
0:33: The “Top Hats In Metal” theory is proven right once again.
0:38: His gaping ear holes are making me nauseous.
0:44: I don’t like this new Mad Max movie.
0:52: Blue Felix: Sponsored by Tetanus.
0:58: Mitch Hedburg would say the vocalist has a lot of cranium accessories.
1:05: This video is a few years old, but here are the nicknames of the current members of Blue Felix.
1:08: Toxsick – Vocals
1:10: Rev – Bass/Vocals
1:13: Xhail – Guitar
1:17: ERoK – Drums
1:22: Spydr – Tracks/Vocals
1:26: That drum set is made entirely out of cocaine and dandruff.
1:35: His next magic trick should be pulling a good song out of his hat.
1:43: Who would’ve known that such potty talk would appear in a song called “Middle Finger Up”?
1:52: Looks like someone’s getting the “magic thumb”.
1:58: They’re going to give him the Kane-Shane McMahon treatment.
2:04: Here’s hoping he throws a “yabba-dabba-do” into his rap.
2:12: Every year, hundreds of people are forced to do guest “wicky wickies” against their will.
2:19: Now we know what Mountain Dew Pitch Black sounds like.
2:27: When this video was done, I’ll bet everyone smelled like stale Whoppers.
2:37: Songs to quit your part-time job to.
2:43: “Please! No more wicky wickies!”
2:46: That pile of tires was 2 days away from retirement.
2:53: A garbage fire is an incredibly appropriate way to end this.

Blue Felix’s album Sample Of A Solution is available now.

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