Toilet Radio 472 – Dead Venture Capitalists


On this, the last regular show of the year we’re talking about some of our favorite moments of the prior 365 days and a few stories we missed. Topics include: fondly remembering Joe Lynn Turner’s theories and PHIL LABONTE getting shut down on Tinder, various right wing media people getting quietly written out of existence, and Jason Newsted deciding to resurrect himself. Also: Liquid Death didn’t bother to get the rights to use Arnold Palmer’s name so they named their latest can of piss “DEAD BILLIONAIRE” and complained that a bigger corporation was being mean to them. Eat shit, losers. Metallica and Cryptopsy decided to take a lil blood money to play shows in Saudi Arabia. Manowar are too busy to play more than one show in the United States and the guy who designed Sleep Token’s Mushroomhead masks offers up possibly the worst defense of plagiarism we’ve ever seen.

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Music featured on this ‘sode:
Walking CorpseThe Wheel

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